Parallel to the production of porcelain dolls is developing new materials such as celluloid. Invented by the Hyatt brothers in 1887, it is considered the first plastic. It is found in the manufacture of unbreakable dolls including Rhenish Gummi and Celluloid Fabrik Co Schildkröt from 1896. One of the first French manufacturer to produce this material in the form of bather is the SIC company in 1902 which will be taken over by SNF in 1927. There is also the company Anel et Fraisse (1893-1928), which will be taken over by Convert in 1929, but also Petitcollin, which has existed since 1860. Celluloid is a very popular material in the 1930s with the arrival of hygiene. especially in the childish environment. This washable material had a lasting success until the 1950s when it was banned because of its flammability. He paved the way for all other plastics still used today such as rhodoïd, polyètilène or vinyl.